8 Hidden Symptoms of Pregnancy

             Pregnancy is an incredible journey marked by visible changes like a growing belly and an expectant glow. However, beyond the evident physical transformations, there exists a multitude of subtle and often overlooked symptoms that accompany this remarkable phase of a woman's life. These lesser-known signs can offer crucial insights into the body's changes and overall well-being during pregnancy.


1. Nasal Congestion:

Nasal congestion

Surprisingly, many pregnant women experience nasal congestion, often referred to as "pregnancy rhinitis." Increased blood flow and hormonal changes can lead to swelling in the nasal passages, causing a stuffy or runny nose. While it's usually harmless, it can be bothersome for some expecting mothers.

2. Gum Problems:

Gum problems

The surge in hormone levels during pregnancy can make gums more sensitive and prone to bleeding. This condition, known as pregnancy gingivitis, can manifest as swollen, tender, or bleeding gums. Good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are essential during this time.

3. Changes in Vision:

Dry eyes

Some women notice changes in their vision during pregnancy. This can include blurred vision, dry eyes, or even a slight change in prescription. Hormonal fluctuations and fluid retention may affect the shape and thickness of the cornea, leading to these temporary alterations.

4. Skin Darkening:

Pregnancy hormones can trigger skin pigmentation changes, leading to the appearance of dark patches on the face, known as melasma or the "mask of pregnancy." Additionally, the dark line that runs from the navel to the pubic bone (linea nigra) might become more prominent.

5. Excessive Salivation:

Excessive salivation

Experiencing excessive saliva production, known as ptyalism, is another lesser-known symptom. Though the exact cause is unclear, hormonal changes are believed to contribute to this increased salivation in some pregnant women.

6. Forgetfulness or "Pregnancy Brain":


Forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, or feeling mentally foggy—often termed "pregnancy brain"—can affect some expectant mothers. Hormonal shifts, sleep disturbances, and the emotional adjustments associated with pregnancy may contribute to these cognitive changes.

7. Changes in Body Temperature:

Changes in body temperature

Fluctuations in body temperature are common during pregnancy. Expectant mothers might feel warmer due to increased blood flow, leading to a higher basal body temperature. Conversely, some women might experience chills or feel colder due to hormonal changes.

8. Increased Sense of Smell:

Sense of Smell

Pregnancy can heighten the sense of smell for some women, making certain odors more intense or even causing aversions to smells that were previously tolerable. This hypersensitivity to odors is attributed to hormonal influences.


Pregnancy is a unique and deeply personal experience, and the range of symptoms varies greatly among women. While some may sail through their gestation period without experiencing these hidden symptoms, others might find themselves encountering several of these lesser-known changes.

Understanding these hidden symptoms helps women recognize and cope with the diverse ways their bodies adapt during pregnancy. It's vital for expectant mothers to communicate any unusual or concerning symptoms with their healthcare providers to ensure a healthy and informed journey through this miraculous phase of life.

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